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Peter Greste on the latest blow against whistleblowers

Our Executive Director, Peter Greste, spoke to the 7am podcast about the government's prosecution of ATO Whistleblower, Richard Boyle. The SA Court of Appeal has rejected his argument that he should be protected by existing whistleblowing provisions. This leaves him defenceless for shining a light on poor practises within the ATO. While unlikely, the government can still drop this prosecution.…
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AJF wins Thomson Reuters Foundation TrustLaw Impact Award

We're so proud to have won at the #TrustLawAwards for our crucial work using legal pro bono to drive change. We partnered with lawfirm Allens to review Australian secrecy laws. We submitted our findings as part of the Attorney-General’s Department Review of Secrecy Provisions consulation process. Our submission can be read here. The review developed 11 recommendations to guide future…
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