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Donate to the AJF

If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution please fill out the below form.

Alternatively you can contact:

Peter Greste, Executive Director
+61 477 856 845‬
[email protected]

or transfer directly to our account via the following details –

BSB 082057
ACC: 817897553

Note: The AJF has DGR status, which means donations are tax deductible.

Donate to the AJF

If you would like to contribute please fill out the below form.

Alternatively you can contact:

Peter Greste, Executive Director
+‭61 477 856 845‬
[email protected]

or transfer directly to our account via the following details –

BSB 082057
ACC: 817897553

Note: The AJF has DGR status, which means donations are tax deductible.