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The AJF has offered to help resolve the escalating issue between the NT Government and local digital publication the NT Independent.

Banning legitimate news publishers from press conferences is a contradiction to the tenets of a liberal democracy.

The Government’s concerns about the legitimacy of he publication lie with its owner, not its journalism, and so the AJF seeks a dialogue with the Gunner Government to find a workable solution so that the public’s right to know, press freedom and the public’s trust in their Government can all be maintained.

ABC reported on this yesterday:

‘Since April, the NT Government has banned the online publication NT Independent from entering press conferences and media events, and government departments do not respond to the publication’s questions.’

Peter Greste, AJF’s Spokesperson, said “What matters is the integrity of the editorial policy and the journalists that work there. I don’t see any problem and haven’t seen any complaints about the NT Independent’s journalism…

“It seems to be a dangerous precedent; it seems to be inconsistent. If there is an issue with the news organisation itself that’s fine, we can talk about that.

“You need to examine newspapers and news organisations on their record. On their record and commitment to professional ethics and to journalistic standards.”

The AJF will continue to seek a dialogue with the NT Government to resolve this issue.

The full piece can be found here.

Picture credit: ABC